2017 Channel Chiefs

Who Is Your Ultimate Mentor?

We asked members of the 2017 Channel Chiefs to tell if they could have any person, living or dead, as a mentor, who would it be and why?

What's The Best Business Book You've Read Lately?

CRN asked the honorees to tell us about the best business book they've read in the last 12 months.

What's Your Advice For Channel Newbies?

The executives on the 2017 Channel Chiefs list lean on their vast experience and offer up some words of wisdom for finding success in the channel.

20 Fictional Characters Channel Chiefs Identify With

As part of the Channel Chiefs 2017, we asked the honorees to tell us about their favorite fictional character and what it is about that persona that really resonates with them.

If I Were A Solution Provider...

We asked the members of the Channel Chiefs 2017 to put on their hypothetical hats on and tell us if they were starting a solution provider business today, what business they would focus on and why. Here are some of the best responses.

15 Innovative Partner Program Updates

CRN asked the 2017 Channel Chiefs honorees to shed some light on the most innovative initiatives their companies rolled out for partners over the last 12 months.

How Have You Personally Helped A Partner Succeed?

We asked the honorees of the 2017 Channel Chiefs to share some of their personal partner success stories. Here are 10 of our favorites.

The 50 Most Influential

In celebration of CRN's 2017 Channel Chiefs, here are 50 executives that drive the channel agenda and evangelize the importance of channel partnerships.

The Year Of Partner Quality Over Quantity

Here we present the 2017 Channel Chiefs, CRN's annual list of the top channel executives and what they've been doing to ready their channel programs for 2017.

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