SP500 Winner: Cloud Computing - OnX Focuses On The Cloud
And the beat goes on this year: OnX recently said it is investing $20 million in its data center and cloud infrastructure. That money will be used to extend OnX's VCE partnerships with key vendors Cisco, EMC and VMware. In addition, OnX established its FederatedCloud Centers of Excellence (FCCE) that will let clients test cloud solutions at OnX Lab Centers in Chicago, Irvine, Calif., New York and in its hometown of Toronto.
So, it's only logical to Mike Cardy, OnX CTO, that OnX, an early provider of cloud computing services, would now offer partners cutting-edge solutions.
"We've been through a lot," Cardy said. One of the most important aspects of OnX's cloud strategy is its federated cloud, whereby the company designs, builds and manages a mix of private and shared cloud computing deployments, either on- or off-premises.
"We are really pleased to offer clients choices on how they will select or consign IT [resources]," he said. "We tailor to our clients' needs. There are no rigid stacks that the client needs to adhere to."
Cardy said OnX is focusing a lot of attention in North America on special vertical markets such as health care, financial services and utilities. In Canada, the company's work includes dealing with sovereignty issues related to cross-border transfers of data.
OnX is open to further partnerships. "Solution providers can definitely work with us to save money."