Send CRN A News Tip
CRN welcomes news tips from the channel community.
How can I share my sensitive/confidential information with CRN?
If you have sensitive or confidential information, documents, or data to share with the editors of CRN, you can send it to our encrypted inbox at
What makes a good confidential news tip?
Documentation or evidence of a newsworthy issue will greatly improve the chances that we can publish a story based on your tip.
Providing contact information we can use to reach you for follow-up questions increases the chances that we can utilize the information you provide, even if you don’t want to identify yourself.
On-the-record sources are preferred but we understand that sometimes channel sources cannot publicly identify themselves without bringing harm to their business relationships. We will grant public anonymity to sources when warranted.
If you have a timely news story idea to share, you can reach out directly to a CRN reporter.
Given the number of ideas sent our way on a daily basis, it is critical to spotlight the importance to the channel and to be able to provide solution provider contacts. This will help our reporters as they seek to prioritize potential stories. News exclusives are preferred.