Two Years Back: Our 9/11 Archive
CRN and VARBusiness covered that day, and it's effects on our industry and its people, extensively. Below, you'll find all our coverage of 9/11 and it's aftermath:
The Day
The first article we posted about the events of 9/11 was a wire-service report about the inital World Trade Center attacks. Solution providers at three industry shows going on that day reacted in shock to the news, and began scrambling to figure out how they would get home.
Wall Street Grinds To Halt After World Trade Center Crash
Stunned Solution Providers Scramble To Get Home To Loved Ones
N+I Attendees Shocked, Angered Over Terrorist Attacks
CTIA Show Continues As Planned
ISPs Ask Customers To Clear Lines
Federal Reserve Promises Additional Funding For Banks
One Solution Provider's Day Of Terror
CRN and VARBusiness reporters were able to continue updating our web sites until about 7:00 pm the night of September 11. At that time, 7 World Trade Center collapsed, cutting the connection between our Jericho offices and our production web servers, located in Virgina. By the next morning, alternate routing had been arranged.
The Losses
As the day drew to a close, we came to learn the names of the victims. Many were from the technology community, including Oracle's Todd Beamer, one of the heroes of Flight 93.
Attacks Claim Lives of Industry Professionals
PricewaterhouseCoopers Loses Five On Board Hijacked Planes
The Human Toll
Deloitte and Touche Continues Search For Employees
That Week
With rescue operations still onging, and business at a standstill across the country, organizations began putting the pieces back together.
Impact From Disaster Mounting On IT Industry
D.C. Solution Providers Provide Aid To Feds, Grapple With Shock
Manhattan's VARBusiness 500 Companies Struggle After Attacks
Ground Zero: Plural's Story of the Attacks
Verizon Deals With Loss of Employees and Outages
Flight 11: Last-minute Breakfast Meeting Saves Storage Exec's Life
Emergency Information and How To Help
Plural, DeepBridge, Agency.Com Report Employees Safe; Business Open
D.C. Pulls Together
New York Unites
VARBusiness, CRN and ChannelWeb editors provided personal insights into some of the heroes and victims of the tragedy, and encouraged solution providers to embrace the tasks of recovery.
America Under Attack
Turning a Day of Infamy Into an Hour of Hope
What Really Counts
There Are No Words
A Hard Rain
Terrorists Lose When Business Continues
Fear, Acts of War And Technology's Shortcomings
Caravan Of Concern
Getting Through The Day In NYC
Don't Let Hateful Acts Breed More Hate
The Ties That Bind
Marching Orders: Hard Work, and Creativity, and Enterprise
Solution Providers Will Emerge Stronger After Attacks
We Salute the Integrity In All of Us
Up, Up and Away: A Well-Rested Road Warrior On Air Travel
Friend Makes A Sacrifice For Love Of This Country
VARBusiness Editorial Director Reflects on Sept. 11
Looking Back and Moving Forward
Tech Firms Pitch In
One of the things the solution provider community can be most proud of is how we rallied, helping relief agencies, customers and even competitors get back on their feet.
Tech Firm Pledges Donations For Relief Efforts
GE Donates $10 Million, Cisco $6 Million, To New York Recovery Effort
Verizon Wireless Provides Mobile Phone Aid
FBI Reaches Out To Earthlink, Other ISPs To Track Terrorists
Sun, Partners Mobilize to Help Businesses in New York
Help, Aid and Advice Pouring In
Distributors Mobilize
Solution Providers, Vendors Help In Disaster Recovery
ASCII Group Asks Resellers to Unite and Remember With Electronic Ribbon
Apple Expo Canceled, Seybold Will Go On
IT Companies Donate Technology, Services
Apple Donates $1 Million To Rescue Workers' Families
InfoSystems Pushes Forward To Help Clients
NYC Disaster Recovery: Solution Providers Not In It For the Money
Solution Provider Helps Merrill Lynch Team Find A Home
Plural CEO Counts Blessings; Helps Clients
WTC: Solution Providers, Vendors Offer Free Data Recovery Services
Washington Rallies
'What Can I Do To Help?'
Novell Helps New York Dept. Of Health Recover From Terrorist Damage
The Effects On Business
When the bell finally rang again on Wall Street, nearly a week after the attack, it reassured the world that American business would endure. Meanwhile, solution providers found a renewed emphasis on security, and data backup and recovery solutions among customers.
VARs React, Eyeing Long-Term Impact of Attack
Air Traffic Shutdown Could Mean Motherboard Shortages
Loss of Mindshare with Loss of Lives
Economic Analysis: Financial Uncertainty, Recession Fears Loom
Travel Restricted
Impact Overseas
Oracle's Outlook Gloomy Following Terrorist Attacks
Vendors Rush To Repurchase Shares
Despite Midday Boost, Stock Numbers Still Dip
Stocks Drop Amid Continuing Uncertainty
Late Day Stock Dip Fuels Uncertainty
Stocks Fall, But Greenspan Keeps the Faith
SP: E-Document Delivery More Popular In Wake of Attacks
Twelve Tips To Improve Your Company's Security
Have You Been Grounded? IT Companies Struggle with Travel Cutbacks
The Stock Market
Technology Solutions
Privacy Concerns
New Worm Exploits Tragedy
Use Of Digital Collaboration Tools On Rise In Wake Of Attack
Solution Providers Heed the Call of a Changing Federal Marketplace
Leading Employees In Times of Crisis, Fear
Sept. 11 Attack Deepens Ongoing Shakeout, Changes Application Software Industry
After Historic Downturn, The Industry Looks Ahead to a Rebound
Though Challenged, the IT Industry Will Survive
Giuliani: Technology Advances Will Keep Us Safe
Siebel: Products Like Ours Could Prevent Terrorist Attacks
Capellas: Cyberterrorists Likely To Hit U.S.
IT Security Experts Weigh Potential Threats To Nation's Infrastructure
Companies Still Vulnerable to Cyberattacks
While Interest in Disaster Recovery Has Soared, Commitment Wavers
Security Takes a Front Seat After Sept. 11
Sept. 11 A Year Later: Distributors Seek Return To Normalcy
Trade Shows and Industry Events
Even once the airlines began flying again, business travel was depressed for months. It caused serious strains for trade shows and partner events.
IT Industry Events Thrown In Doubt
Venue Change for World Trade Center Wireless Show
N+I Resumes Show Activities, Holds Prayer Service
iForce, iPlanet, XML World Events Canceled
Marooned Conference-goers Cope With Tragedy
Update: Industry Conferences Put On Hold
To Meet Or Not To Meet?
Ingram Micro Postpones VentureTech Event
Novell Bucks Trend, Goes Ahead with Planned Road Show
Apple Postpones QuickTime Event, Enters Distribution Pact
Anthrax Scares
During the (still unsolved) anthrax attacks against government and media facilities that followed 9/11, scares shut down Microsoft and Ingram Micro office. Fortunately these proved not to be deadly attacks.
Anthrax Found In Letter To Microsoft Division
Ingram Micro Evacuates Warehouse After Suspicious Package Found
Second Package With Unknown Powder Found At Ingram Micro Facility
Preliminary Results Show No Anthrax at Ingram, Says FBI
Tests Show Nevada Microsoft Letter Not Anthrax
Final Tests Negative For Ingram Micro Facility