The 100 Coolest Cloud Computing Vendors Of 2015
CRN introduced the first annual 100 Coolest Cloud Computing Vendors in 2010 with the aim of helping solution providers navigate the cloud market.
While that goal hasn't changed over the past five years, the cloud market certainly has with offerings now coming in a multitude of shapes, sizes and flavors. Navigating this space is more important than ever as the transition from a traditional on-premise model to a recurring revenue model is becoming a do-or-die proposition for many solution providers.
Many of the big-time players from the 2010 Cloud 100 list are thriving and find themselves once again on this year's list. But what makes the Cloud 100 so valuable each year is that it provides a look at the startups in the space satisfying a niche need or problem. This is where the true innovation is happening.
Look at the cloud platform and development space, where companies contributing to the emerging IT landscape are making a name for themselves right next to behemoths such as Amazon Web Services and Google. In the cloud infrastructure space, the emergence of upstarts in this investment-heavy market is that much more impressive.
Here we present the 100 Coolest Cloud Computing Vendors Of 2015, honoring the best of the best in cloud computing in five categories: infrastructure, platforms and development, security, storage and software. You'll also find links to Cloud 100 of years past for a trip down a short, but incredibly busy cloud memory lane.
The 20 Coolest Cloud Infrastructure Vendors Of The 2015 Cloud 100
The cloud infrastructure wars heated up in 2014 and there were some casualties. But while the tech giants still dominate the field, there are a few upstarts on this list that think they can compete.
The 20 Coolest Cloud Storage Vendors Of The 2015 Cloud 100
Solution providers who have not yet made cloud storage a part of their practice are at risk of being left behind. Here's a look at the coolest cloud storage companies to make this year's Cloud 100 list.
The 20 Coolest Cloud Software Vendors Of The 2015 Cloud 100
Cloud offerings come in a multitude of shapes and sizes, but SaaS is still the most tangible and perhaps elegant of cloud products.
The 20 Coolest Cloud Platform And Development Vendors Of The 2015 Cloud 100
While the cloud infrastructure space is increasingly dominated by computing giants, the platform and development arena is kinder to agile companies looking to make contributions to the emerging IT landscape.
The 20 Coolest Cloud Security Vendors Of The 2015 Cloud 100
Cloud security platforms are helping organizations mitigate risks associated with using cloud-based applications and services by providing strong data protection capabilities, incorporating data loss prevention and data encryption and tokenization.